@danielpunkass Yep, I did the audiobook this time and I had to rewind often but it’s a great narrator. It’s like every. single. word. matters, but when it clicks it’s pretty much the best book I’ve ever read.

@toddgrotenhuis it was surprising! I was expecting the usual octopus awe but this is a deep dive 😉 into their specific physical and behavioral traits without the “they’re just like us!” stuff.

@Mtt agree — like pick one don’t try to be both! Also not a restaurant critic, but I feel like the trendy/hipster vibe doesn’t work with Cajun places, didn’t feel very welcoming. I do want to go back and try more of the menu. Intriguing mix of Cajun and creole options, don’t think I’ve seen “rice and gravy” on a menu before! Grew up with that at home.